'What Hope Can Look Like': The First 1000 Days – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families

Developing Practice

Author: Kerry Arabena, Stacey Panozzo and Rebecca Ritte

April, 2016

Volume: 44

Page nos: 25–36

To ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and their children benefit from the international 1000 Days movement, an Australian Model of the First 1000 Days is being developed through a year-long, nationwide engagement process. This ongoing process has linked more than 300 participants from over 100 different organisations - including early-life researchers, research institutions, policy-makers and human rights activists - with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Service delivery organisations, peak bodies, Eiders and families. As a result of this engagement, the Australian Model has broadened the original 1000 Days concept beyond its emphasis on improving nutrition and maternal and child health to include an Indigenous-Ied holistic and ecological framework focused on comprehensive primary health care with a case management style of approach. The Model also incorporates strong Ccommunity governance processes and the running of simultaneous strengthening interventions that focus on the family environment, increasing antenatal and early years engagement, improved data collection and access, and strategies for better service use and provision.