Affirmation Posters (digital format)

Modern Matriarch Posters.png
Modern Matriarch Posters.png

Affirmation Posters (digital format)


Our Affirmation Posters is a collection of five of our empowering affirmations from our affirmation card pack, turned in to high-resolution digital format posters for A3 printing. The affirmations are strength-based messages for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents and carers of our children (Indigenous Ally friendly).

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This work was developed to celebrate the many loving ways we can raise our future Elders. Repeating these affirmations over and over helps to rewire any negative beliefs and creates the space for self-care, love and fulfilment.

The high-resolution digital format ensures that the posters can be printed in A3 size and displayed throughout the workplace and shared with Indigenous families. 

The artwork has been done by Within Creations, and words have been developed by the First 1000 Days Australia team. All sales fund future productions of affirmation card packs for families, professionals and carers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. We thank you for your support and we would love to hear from you about how you have been using them!