We are excited to share with you the recent outcomes of our First 1000 Days Australia (F1000DA) two-day training course in our Evaluation Report. This course brought together professionals from various fields, all dedicated to supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families during their child’s critical first 1000 days.
Indigenous Victorian business haemorrhaging from COVID-19
But good girls say yes: Reflections on reproductive rights, or stories of sexual coercion
Child development: the first 1000 days
1,000 Days USA
Latrobe City: First 1000 Days Project
Indigenous health coup for Townsville
Townsville will lead the country in delivering an internationally acclaimed health and wellbeing program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families – First 1000 Days Australia. The Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service (TAIHS) will steer the new initiative, which will be rolled out across North Queensland.